American Standard Water Heaters is the recognized brand of larger homeowners as the most reliable, for their unique water heating requirements. Larger residential homes require different water heating solutions, compared to typical residences and American Standard delivers. Our ongoing commitment to large residential property owners is to provide the highest quality products, services & value in the water heating industry.
For over 130 years, American Standard products have been the most trusted & widely recognized brand across the United States. Architects, Contractors, Installers & Plumbers look to American Standard to manufacture dependable water heaters with revolutionary features. Our Residential products include Electric, Gas, Heat Pump, Point-of-Use and Ultra Low NOx Water Heaters in addition to replacement parts & accessories backed by our exceptional customer service and warranties for all of our product categories.
With the new NAECA regulation having taken affect on April 16th, 2015, American Standard Water Heaters is dedicated to support all customers during this transition. While some of our water heater models will have slight variances there are absolutely no requirements for our customers to downsize, relocate or make other modifications (I.e., power cord installation, insulation blanket additions, dampers or ducts to install, etc.) to your current or future American Standard Water Heater(s).
The National Appliance Energy Conservation Act (NAECA) of 2015 has set higher energy efficiency standards for water heaters and subsequently impacted the way these products are designed and manufactured. The new requirements call for higher Energy Factor (EF) ratings on virtually all residential gas, electric, and oil water heaters. NAECA 2015 also affects some light-duty commercial water heaters.