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American Standard Water Heaters
American Standard Water Heaters
American Standard Water Heaters
American Standard Water Heaters
American Standard Water Heaters
American Standard Water Heaters

American Standard Water Heaters, recognized throughout the World...

American Standard, the name recognized throughout the World for Quality built products is also the trusted name that large Residential & Commercial property owners, managers & plumbing contractors depend on for reliable energy efficient Gas and Electric Water Heaters.

American Standard Water Heaters manufactures high quality Natural & Propane Gas models with BTU inputs from 76,100 through 512,000 and Electric models with KW inputs of 6 through 54 and are designed to deliver large amounts of Hot Water economically.

Typical Water Heating applications include large residential homes, restaurants, apartment buildings, multi-family developments, motels, hotels, hospitals, convalescent homes, Laundromats, car washes, schools, health clubs and industrial buildings.

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American Standard Water Heaters – National Advertising Spotlight

American Standard Water Heaters hosted a product training session with Manufacturer’s Representatives. This training session was focused on our new line of Tankless Condensing Water Heaters and Residential Electric Heat Pumps. This interactive session informed, educated and addressed any questions or concerns our team may encounter in the field. Several other training sessions are planned for calendar year 2017 so please contact your Regional Sales Manager to attend our next session!
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American Standard Water Heaters – Product Information